Kinx's Book Nook: Why I Love to Read: My Family

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why I Love to Read: My Family

Why I Love to Read

I’ve been thinking for a while of starting my own blog series. However, I’ve had some difficulty deciding on what to write about. So many bloggers have wonderful weekly memes on what they currently reading, what they are waiting for, and what they just bought, borrowed, or given. My creativity for something new was extremely lacking. But then, I thought, keep it simple. Just ask a simple question, why do I love to read sooo much. As I was thinking about it, I found that it’s not an easy question to answer. It could be different on any given day or even hour. Sometimes, I read just to read because I feel like I have to or I’ve had a bad day and I want to escape from the world.  There are so many reasons and I now I want to share those reasons with you. In return, I hope you leave lots of comments on why you love to read!

My Family

On Monday, February 4, 2013, I was a guest at Oklahoma Women Bloggers where I talked about my love for reading and my family. Please follow this link and take a look!

Please leave comment and tell me why you love to read!


  1. It is a hard question, I think I would say I love to read because I think it takes you on a journey where you get to explore different worlds and you get to meet so many different characters. In a way, it’s a way to escape life.


I love any and all comments! It keeps me honest!